Cedar Creek Lake Photos

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Cedar Creek Lake Photos (1 - 30 of 421)

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Lake Ava Rosetta

Lake Ava Rosetta

Dog Days Of Summer

Dog Days Of Summer

Morning Fog

Morning Fog

Morning Glory

Morning Glory

No Place Like Home

No Place Like Home

Beautiful Morning

Beautiful Morning

Morning Fog

Morning Fog

Full Moon

Full Moon

Morning coffee

Morning coffee

Morning Fog

Morning Fog

Full Moon

Full Moon

Winter on Cedar Creek Lake

Winter on Cedar Creek Lake

Nice Hybrid Stripers on CCL

Nice Hybrid Stripers on CCL

Pier flathead 04/17/20

Pier flathead 04/17/20

First Fish!

First Fish!

summer sunrise

summer sunrise

Night Views

Night Views

The iconic Beacon

The iconic Beacon

Beacon Hill state-of-the-art floating jetty.

Beacon Hill state-of-the-art floating jetty.

God’s beauty!!

God’s beauty!!

Beacon Hill 2020

Beacon Hill 2020

sun rise in Tool

sun rise in Tool

Cedar Creek Lake Aerial

Cedar Creek Lake Aerial

Largmouth Bass

Largmouth Bass

A beautiful sunrise in Trinidad on Sunday!

A beautiful sunrise in Trinidad on Sunday!

Lake Ava Rosetta at Beacon Hill on Cedar Creek

Lake Ava Rosetta at Beacon Hill on Cedar Creek

Like Glass at Beacon Hill

Like Glass at Beacon Hill

Peaceful Summer Evening.

Peaceful Summer Evening.

Yes i do get the normal wild life also!

Yes i do get the normal wild life also!

Goldie and her buddy Come and get it!

Goldie and her buddy Come and get it!

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Beacon Hill at Cedar Creek Lake

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Cedar Creek Lake Current Weather Alerts

There are no active watches, warnings or advisories.


Cedar Creek Lake Weather Forecast


Mostly Cloudy

Hi: 51

Friday Night


Lo: 48


Mostly Cloudy

Hi: 71

Saturday Night

Mostly Clear

Lo: 32


Mostly Sunny

Hi: 46

Sunday Night

Mostly Clear

Lo: 28

Presidents Day

Mostly Sunny

Hi: 55

Monday Night

Mostly Cloudy

Lo: 44

Cedar Creek Lake Water Level (last 30 days)

Water Level on 2/14: 322.15 (+0.15)

Cedar Creek Lake

Fishing Report from TPWD (Feb. 12)

GOOD. stained; 48 degrees; 0.38 feet below pool. The pattern is consistent. The hybrid and white bass winter deadsticking bite is on fire! Use half ounce to 1-1/2 ounce jigs with 4-5 inch plastic flukes depending on what the winds are and drift long lengths of the lake in the deepest water 35-55 feet. Drift at speeds of .2-.6 mph using your drift mode on your trolling motor or using drift socks. If the winds are not too bad you can just drift with the wind. Thumping on the bottom of your boat will attract fish and group them up underneath as you drift. Utilizing a splasher also works well with thumping. You will find the fish suspended between 22-28 feet when deadstricking. Look for Birds and Loons early mornings on shallow flats as the fish will come up to follow the bait and feed early especially on cloudier and colder days. The crappie bite has been tough with reports of fish being scattered. Target crappie with small jigs and minnows in 7-15 feet under bridge pylons, hidden brush piles throughout the lake or under docks. Crappie fisherman have been moving spot to spot finding limits. Lots of crappies in the 7-9 inch range. Limits of crappie will happen but you may catch a lot of small ones getting to your limit. Report by Brent Herbeck, Herbeck’s Lonestar Fishing Guide Service. Catfish continue to be deep with a few fish shallow. The water clarity is stained to slightly stained heading south. The best catfish bite is drifting from 18-35 feet using cut shad or rough fish along the bottom. Report by Jason Barber, Kings Creek Adventures.

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